The camels`s Pasture (CD)

Artikel-Nr.: 4020796448516
Alter Preis 16,80 €
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg
Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Selbstabholung, DHL EU, DHL Europa, DHL Welt, Versandpauschale innerhalb von Deutschland, DHL Päckchen EU

Traditionell mongolische Musik und Lieder.


  1. Welcome to our Gobi '
  2. Camel calf
  3. Gobi In printed on the Mind
  4. Two Souls
  5. Gobi`s Highest Mountain
  6. In the Middle of Four mountains
  7. Praise for the new Yurt
  8. Young caravan Leader
  9. Pretty little camel calf
10. Black Silk jacket
11. Khandarmaa / a local name of woman/
12. Caravan leaders darling
13. Goyo / a special Plant from the Gobi/
14. Little white orphan Camel Calf
15. Camels pasture
16. Jonon of Gobi/ a Horses calf of Gobi/
17. Sanduutai /a Love Song/
18. Praise for the foal
19. A Mothers`s love for her Child
20. Khonin Joroo/ Ambler/
21. Praise for the Golden Gobi


TOTAL 64:08 MInuten 

Recorded by UuganbaatarTsend ochir In UmnuGobi Mongolia, and in Fürth Germany.

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